Restructuring | Bankruptcy

BDO supports companies and their creditors through all aspects of corporate turnarounds, advising on how to avoid bankruptcy, or navigate the liquidation or bankruptcy process in an organised manner. Our advisors develop and implement financial recovery plans and out-of-court liquidation measures. We can serve as receiver in out-of-court bankruptcy proceedings and as official administrator or liquidator in composition agreements with assignment of assets.

Our expertise at a glance

  • Evaluating potential restructuring and recovery from company, trade, bankruptcy and criminal law perspectives
  • Developing and implementing restructuring measures and recovery plans
  • Debt restructuring, debt waivers, subordination, capital cuts, recapitalisation
  • Out-of-court liquidation
  • Preparing bankruptcy postponement, bankruptcy or composition agreements with assignment of assets
  • Receiver in out-of-court bankruptcy, administrator, liquidator
  • Creditor representative
  • Compiling schedule of claims

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Key contacts

David Reimann

David Reimann

Attorney at law, Technical committee Corporate Law, Aarau
View bio