Inheritance and Advance Care Directive

Timely and careful estate planning can prevent disputes among the heirs and secure the future of family businesses. By taking appropriate measures, you can favour certain people being close to you. An advance care directive allows you to design the person who will represent you in case of incapacity in order to avoid the nomination of a person unknown to you by the Child and Adult Protection Authority (KESB).

With our specialised team of lawyers who work closely with colleagues from other areas in Switzerland and other countries, BDO offers comprehensive estate planning including all your assets located in Switzerland and abroad and ensure that your estate is distributed in accordance with your wishes.

Our expertise:

  • Prenuptial and Inheritance Agreements
  • Cohabitation Agreements
  • Last Wills
  • Gift Agreements
  • Advance Care Directives
  • General Power of Attorney

Our services

Estate planning for entrepreneurs

We advise and support entrepreneurs on the succession of their company to the next generation or third party.

Prenuptial and Cohabitation Agreements

We support unmarried couples in drawing up their cohabitation agreement, enabling them to clearly define the assets and the contributions of each partner to their common life, as well as the regulation of an eventual separation. We advise our married clients on the various options available according to matrimonial and inheritance law and draft the necessary agreements implementing their objectives and wishes.

Inheritance Agreement and Last Will

A last will or an inheritance agreement, whether alone or together with a cohabitation agreement or a prenuptial agreement, defines how an estate is to be divided. The key aim is to implement the deceased's last will and prevent disputes between his heirs.

Advance Care Directive

To prevent the KESB from appointing a third-party guardian in the event you should lose capacity of judgement, we can support you in drawing up an advance care directive that reflects your needs and wishes. BDO can be appointed as the authorised representative to take care of your assets, while the personal care should be handled by your relatives or friends.

Estate division

We support the heirs in dividing the estate of the deceased and drafting a tailormade inheritance distribution agreement.

Execution of wills or administration and distribution of an estate

You can appoint BDO as executor of your will. BDO will manage the estate assets, take care of all formalities in connection with the inheritance and prepare the division of the estate. In the absence of an executor mandate, the competent authority or the heirs can assign BDO the same tasks.

Contact us

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Key contacts

Regula Bergsma

Regula Bergsma

Dr. iur. Attorney at law, Head of succession and estate planning, Lucerne
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Céline Chardonnens

Celine Chardonnens

Lic. iur., Technical committee M&A, Lausanne
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