Business Services & Outsourcing

Business Services & Outsourcing

Accounting services

BDO’s accounting professionals offer clients a comprehensive range of advice and support services. Our team of independent, competent and innovative generalists assist clients in making important decisions while providing them with targeted advice in everyday private and business matters. 
BDO offers a one-stop solution. Our Client Partners provide you with the following support services, giving you the freedom to focus on your own competencies:

  • Accounting and auditing services
  • Financial and operational advice
  • Fiscal representation and tax optimisation
  • Internet-Accountant
  • Outsourcing of salary administration, accounting, pension fund
  • Acting as a temporary agent


Key contacts

Sonia Sinopoli BDO

Sonia Sinopoli

Head of BSO Finance & ad Interim Solutions, Zurich
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Stefan Aeberhard

Stefan Aeberhard

Head of Business Solutions, Berne - Partner
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Logo Tobias Winkler

Tobias Winkler

Head of Performance Advisory Services, Basel
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