
Annual report 2021

Dynamic economic environment

The past two years have been without parallel in terms of the challenges faced by the economy and society — the pandemic truly tested the interplay between the two. There were discussions on values and new tensions, which we will continue to feel and work on both now and in the future. Companies have had to respond creatively to the consequences of the pandemic, such as regulations on working from home, rapidly advancing digitalisation or the increased need for online services. Many implemented innovative ideas quickly to address the changing market conditions. In lots of places, remote work opportunities have now been embedded in employment contracts.

Companies that already had good digital capabilities have seen their efforts pay off, and most sailed through the crisis. Those who had neglected IT in the past had to take a quantum leap in all things digital. In general, processes were scrutinised and optimised, the need for mutual consideration became more important than ever, and people’s willingness to help increased.

But the pandemic has left its mark. Ripples can still be felt in global supply chains, where bottlenecks and price increases are putting the brake on economic recovery in Switzerland. The cautious optimism recently expressed by economists has been dampened by the Ukraine conflict. In addition, there remains a not inconsiderable degree of uncertainty as to how the pandemic will develop in future.

BDO in the financial year 2021

BDO can look back on a successful financial year. Overall, we managed to generate largely organic growth in a challenging environment. Business Broker AG has been part of BDO since 2021. The merger enabled us to enhance BDO’s service portfolio in the areas of succession planning and the sale of companies. The newly acquired company made a positive contribution to revenue. Also worth mentioning is the absolute growth achieved in Audit, which made a significant contribution to our overall growth in the financial year.

"BDO strives to achieve sustainable success. Our steady growth over the years shows that we are well on track with our ambitious goals." 

Changes at BDO

The newly composed Executive Committee took over the reins on 1 January 2021. Thomas Studhalter (CEO), Beat Rüfenacht (Head of Audit) and Marcel Rohrer (Head of Business Solutions) complete the nine-strong committee. Despite meeting virtually, the new team was quickly working as one and the Executive Committee leads by example in living our “WE culture”.

The market is on the brink of major changes, which often present risks and opportunities at the same time. To remain successful in this environment, we have to – and want to – develop continuously. I am confident that we have taken the right strategic decisions to continue BDO’s journey successfully.

Harry Affolter

Harry Affolter

Head of Office of Solothurn, Member of the Executive Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Solothurn - Partner